
Hinterzarten Kontakt Informationen


Hinterzarten is a resort village in the Black Forest (German: Schwarzwald), located in the southwest of the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Although Hinterzarten is mostly famous for its ski jumpers, it also has many tourist attractions (see Attractions).GeographyLocationGeographically Hinterzarten climbs to a height of, which is just below that of the Feldberg, the highest mountain in the Black Forest. The municipality descends to the southeastern end of Lake Titisee, although its lowest point is the Sternenrank at. Hinterzarten is located within the Southern Black Forest Nature Park and the Zartenbach stream flows through the municipality.Mountain peaks within the municipality include the: Windeckkopf (1,209 m).ClimateHinterzarten's annual precipitation is 1,406 mm, which is thus in the top tenth of the weather stations run by the German Met Office. Over 96 % have lower values. The driest month is September; the most precipitation falls in December which has 1.8 times the amount that falls in September. The seasonal variations in precipitation are in the upper third across Germany. In over 83 % of places the variations are lower.Neighbouring municipalitiesHinterzarten's neighbouring municipalities are Breitnau, Titisee-Neustadt, Lenzkirch, Feldberg and Oberried, all belonging to the county of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.

Adresse: 79856 Hinterzarten
Stadt: Hinterzarten
Postleitzahl: 79856

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