
Hohenwestedt Kontakt Informationen


Hohenwestedt is a municipality in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It is situated approximately 23 km south of Rendsburg, 25 km west of Neumünster and 40 km southwest of Kiel.It has a population of about 5,000 and a size of 18.18 squarekilometer. Since January 2012 it is part of the Amt Mittelholstein, of which it is the seat. Mayor is Stefan Landt of the CDU.The 400 companies of Hohenwestedt offer 2,500 jobs and make it the economical center of the surrounding communes, whose children also use the three schools.The town's landmark is the Peter-Pauls Church, the biggest church in town.Hohenwestedt's twin towns are Müncheberg, Germany, and Billund, Denmark.

Adresse: Hohenwestedt
Stadt: Hohenwestedt

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