
Homburg Kontakt Informationen


Homburg is a town in Saarland, Germany, the administrative seat of the Saarpfalz district. With a population of c. 41,974 inhabitants (December 31st 2015), is the third largest city in its federal state. The medical department of the University of Saarland is situated here. The city is also home to the Karlsberg beer brewery. Major employers include Michelin and Robert Bosch GmbH.GeographyHomburg is situated in north of the district of Saarpfalz, close to the borders of Saarland with Rhineland-Palatinate and not too far from France. It is 16 km from Neunkirchen and 36 km from Saarbrücken. The villages Beeden, Schwarzenbach, Wörschweiler, Einöd and Ingweiler are situated in or on the Blies valley.The town counts 9 villages: Beeden, Bruchhof-Sanddorf, Einöd, Erbach, Jägersburg, Kirrberg, Reiskirchen, Schwarzenbach and Wörschweiler.The village Einöd counts Einöd, Ingweiler and Schwarzenacker. The village Jägersburg counts Jägersburg, Altbreitenfelderhof and Websweiler. Erbach counts also Lappentascherhof and Johannishof.Populations (February 1st 2017):HistoryThe Hohenburg Castle, nowadays a ruin, was in the 12th Century the seat of the counts of Homburg. In 1330 the village received the town status (Stadtrecht) by Louis the Bavarian.

Adresse: Homburg
Stadt: Homburg

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