
HPF Elektronik Kontakt Informationen

HPF Elektronik


For more than 35 years, HPF Elektronik has been a reliable partner for solutions and services in pharmaceutical packaging inspection.

"HPF ELEKTRONIK GmbH be the specialist in the development and production of innovative advanced technology and sets standards for controls and systems in pharmaceutical packaging.Groundbreaking developments like the Pinhole Detection Unit for formed aluminum foil, the very first Illumination for Camera Systems with white LEDs, development of high precision camera systems and software solutions for a complete traceability Track & Trace make HPF´s know-how indispensable for many companies in order to be able to manufacture optimal products securely and economically.Opto-electronical Inspection Systems for Blister Packages/ Coding/ Tear Detection/Coding/Print Images/Ampoules/Special Solutions"
Adresse: Neumühleweg 34, 73660 Urbach (Baden-Württemberg)
Telefonnummer: +49-7181-99887-0
Stadt: Urbach
Postleitzahl: 73660

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