
Hülben Kontakt Informationen


Hülben is a municipality in the district of Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.It is located next to the area of the Celtic Heidengraben.Geographical locationHülben is a municipality on the northern edge of the Swabian Jura, above the spa town of Bad Urach.Neighbouring communitiesThe following cities and municipalities are bordering the municipality Hülben, they are (starting from the north) called the clockwise and belong to Reutlingen district or to Esslingen district ¹Neuffen ¹, Erkenbrechtsweiler ¹, Grabenstetten, Bad Urach and Dettingen an der Erms.Constituent communitiesThe municipality Hülben includes the village Hülben and a group of houses.Establishing and territorial affiliationHülben was probably founded in the time of the Alemannic conquest between 700 and 800. The village name is a dwelling place name by the two Hülben , where at that time had settled the first settlers. 1137 Hülben is first mentioned in the Zwiefalter chronicles. 1265 came Hülben as part of the House of Urach to Württemberg, and became Protestant 1534 after the Battle of Lauffen.

Adresse: 72584 Hülben
Stadt: Hülben
Postleitzahl: 72584

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