
InPharma Kontakt Informationen


InPharma is a career event dedicated to introduce the landscape of job perspectives in pharmaceutical companies to motivated young life scientist.


Welcome to InPharma, a career event aimed to amalgamate pharmaceutical industry and academia enriching both the sectors with an experience that would help each one to find the best fit.

On 20th of September at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, a symposium composed of talks from former life scientists who successfully transited from academia into industry will be held. The long term goal of this event is initiating a culture of networking and collaborations with the healthcare sector.

Join us and get inspired by learning from the experience of young entrepreneurs and representatives from the industrial sector about the scope of advancement and development in the field of healthcare industry and biotechnology.

Adresse: Am Klopferspitz 18, 82152 Planegg
Stadt: Planegg
Postleitzahl: 82152

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