
International Federation For The Roofing Trade Kontakt Informationen


International Federation For The Roofing Trade


The International Federation for the Roofing Trade has set itself the following objectives:

• to serve as a permanent link between the affiliated organisations,

• to study problems of common interest and hence gain insight and knowledge important for the individual members or the overall organisation,

• to defend and support the mutual economic, technical, social, cultural and all other professional interests of the members at an international level.

Methods and activities

The IFD is responsible for the exchange of relevant information on the trade and for expressing opinions on matters of common interest.

The IFD is in charge of organising international symposia and conferences and however possible in conjunction with them shall carry out an competition for young roofers (a "world championship" along its own set of guidelines).

The IFD promotes future roofing professionals and therefore to take care of the training and further education of young people in the roofing trade.

The IFD is actively involved in setting up technical standards like CEN, licences such as the EOTA and other provisions pertaining to the roofing trade within the framework of its European and international activities.

The IFD carries out and supports research and studies about the description of the roofing trade.

The IFD supports the development of faculties which incorporate research and technique, as well as the construction and technology of roofs

It shall publish and circulate written documentation about such work.

The IFD makes its own recommendations, writes up its own guidelines and puts together its own leaflets for its members.

It works with other international organisations, in particular other handicraft organisations, in order to improve the social and economic situation of the roofing trade based on the principle of a social market economy.

Adresse: Bahnhofstraße 27a, 35037 Marburg
Telefonnummer: +4964219998392
Stadt: Marburg
Postleitzahl: 35037

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