
International School of Physical Theatre in Berlin Kontakt Informationen

International School of Physical Theatre in Berlin


* intensive physical theatre training
* theatre and movement directing
* performance making
* theatre biomechanics
* psychological gesture
* physical action

and all of this in long programs as well as in short workshops!
Check out at www.nipai.org


Summer School is open to professional dancers, choreographers, actors, directors, circus performers, movement practitioners.

What awaits you?

intensive practical training
theatre biomechanics
psychological gesture
inner and outer physical action
way from exercises to performance
creative discussions
Participants will get acquainted with the unique Ostrenko brothers method

Why it is for you?

new tools and knowledge that enhance your creative artistic potential
professional development for your career
new friends and partners from all around the world
new creative ideas and collaboration opportunities

The Lab is a great opportunity to approach a unique methodological and practical material that will enrich your professional skills and will offer you the possibility to share an intense creative experience at a global level.

Who are teachers?

Sergei Ostrenko - Russian theatre director, choreographer and teacher.
Gennady Ostrenko - choreographer, movement director, theater artist, designer, painter.

More about program:
During the program participants will have opportunity to explore Ostrenko method of performer's physical training and rehearsal. More about method explore here: http://www.iugte.com/documents/ostrenko-method

Practical sessions are developed in the form of various exercises which progress from simple to compound. Gradually the group proceeds to group improvisations, structures, performances. Every day sets advanced creative tasks developing the preceding steps. Through the system of consecutive exercises the group grows common language and trust, ability to collaborate and create together.

The working language is English.

To apply for participation, please, read carefully program details:

and fill in the online Application Form:


If you have questions about this program, please contact iugte.projects@gmail.com


The accommodation for the participants is organized at the guest house of the beautiful 15th century refurbished Retzhof Castle in the landscape of natural beauty in Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria. The group will stay and practice all together in the same venue. The group meals are also organized at Retzhof Castle restaurant.
Click here for transportation details, room information and prices.

The official arrival day is Saturday, July 1st from 13:00.
The departure day is Saturday, July 8th after breakfast at 9:00.

* The organizers reserve the right to make changes and add-ins in the schedule.

Official Website: http://www.iugte.com/projects/summerschool

Adresse: 12587 Berlin
Stadt: Berlin
Postleitzahl: 12587

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