
Kalle Kontakt Informationen


Kalle specialises in the industrial manufacture of sausage casings. In addition to this core expertise, Kalle produces sponge cloths, supplies functional food ingredients & a range of products for the meat sector & other protein-processing industries.


Ingredient to your success

Kalle is a global leader and pioneer in the development and industrial production of sausage casings, as an innovative partner for both manufacturers and the butchery sector.

The core business is making casings for sausages and other foods. However, Kalle also produces sponge cloths and supplies functional food ingredients leveraging its access to a global blue-chip customer base with high-quality aromas and flavours for the food industry.

Kalle products are an integral part of the industrial value chain. They are an important value driver for industrial and commercial customers. They speed up workflows in the retail sector, improve food quality and safety for the benefit of consumers around the world.

Over the years, Kalle has created a steady stream of new and customised solutions for the industrial manufacture of sausages and other paste-like food products. With its innovative value-added casings, Kalle can respond quickly and efficiently to the difficult new challenges that manufacturers typically face today. In addition, the company provides functional food ingredients that improve production processes and product features. Kalle’s activities in ingredients are having a good strategic fit and as well further enhance complementary offering to fully service clients.

"Your innovative casings and sponge partner to find the most interesting food and lifestyle solutions"
Adresse: Rheingaustraße 190-196, 65203 Wiesbaden
Telefonnummer: +49611316330
Stadt: Wiesbaden
Postleitzahl: 65203

ähnliche suchanfragen: Kalle Wiesbaden Jobs, Kalle Wiesbaden Adresse, Kalle GmbH Mitarbeiter, Kalle Management GmbH, Kalle GmbH Jobs, InfraServ Wiesbaden, Kalle Folien, Chemische Fabrik Kalle
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Wiesbaden chemieunternehmen

öffnungszeiten. Wiesbaden wiesbaden ındustrieunternehmen standort. Rheingaustraße 190-196 wie komme ich. Kalle adresse, telefonnummer, straßenansicht, postleitzahl. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ähnliche Unternehmen in der Nähe wie Kalle. Auf dieser webseite können Sie Ihre Kommentare und Erfahrungen zu Kalle mit anderen Personen teilen.

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