
Kapellen-Drusweiler Kontakt Informationen


Kapellen-Drusweiler is a municipality in Südliche Weinstraße district, in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany.GeographyThe wine village of Kapellen-Drusweiler is a linear village, between the Palatinate Forest and the Rhine. The parish of Kapellen-Drusweiler includes the villages of Deutschhof, Eichenhöfe und Kaplaneihof. Deutschhof was founded by Swiss immigrants.HistoryDrusweiler was first mentioned in 1179. Around 1200, Klingenmünster Abbey build a chapel opposite the Church in Drusweiler. Around it there developed an independent settlement called Kapellen. The Duke of Palatinate-Zweibrücken united the two communities in 1410.ReligionIn 2007 52 percent of the inhabitants were Protestant and 24,8 percent Catholic. The remainder belong to other religions or were unaffiliated with any religion.PoliticsParish CouncilThe Parish Council in Kapellen-Drusweiler comprises twelve councilors, elected by proportional representation local elections on 7 June 2009, together with the voluntary position of Mayor.Distribution of seats in municipal elections:Coat of ArmsThe blazon of the coat of arms reads: "Von Schwarz und Gold gespalten, rechts eine goldene Pflugschar, links ein schwarzes Sesel" (Divided into black and gold, a golden ploughshare right, a black winemakers' knife left).

Adresse: 76889 Kapellen-Drusweiler
Stadt: Kapellen-Drusweiler
Postleitzahl: 76889

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