
Korb Kontakt Informationen


Korb is a municipality in the Rems-Murr district, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is located 3 km east of Waiblingen, and 15 km northeast of Stuttgart. Korb is known for the wines produced in the area.HistoryOlder HistoryThe first known written mention dates from the year 1270. In an Esslingen document from the year 1270 is testified that the hospital in Esslingen has acquired land in Korb from the convent in Steinheim (Murr).Middle AgesOnly in 1270 Korb will appear in the said document again. During the Thirty Years' War 1618-1648 there was great distress, and Korb was partially totally uninhabited (1636-38). Peasant uprising (1514 " Poor Conrad ") and the French invasion (1797) made also great suffer for Korb. Over the centuries the wine played a major role in the predominantly rural population. He made practically the main source of income.Family HistoryDuring the Thirty Years' War the city suffered severe population losses. A few families were able to escape through temporary escape, including the Singer family.Modern History/Modern TimesOnly the industrialization around the turn of the century made the change for Korb to the today residential community. Before had been a catastrophic phylloxera infestation, all the vine yards in the Remstal had to be burned.TrafficKorb is connected through the Bundesstraße 14 to the national road network. Coming from the north Korb is mostly connected about the exit Mundelsheim of the Bundesautobahn 81.

Adresse: 71404 Korb
Stadt: Korb
Postleitzahl: 71404

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