
Korntal-Münchingen Kontakt Informationen


Korntal-Münchingen is a town in the district of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated at the northwestern border of Stuttgart and 8 km of its centre, and 10 km southwest of Ludwigsburg. Korntal was begun in the 19th Century when King Wilhelm of Württemberg permitted a group of Württemberg Pietists to erect a settlement based on the settlement congregations of the Herrnhuter Bruedergemeine or Moravian Church.GeographyLocationKorntal-Münchingen is in the Strohgäu, at elevations between 285 and 405 meters. It lies directly on the northwestern border of Stuttgart.Constituent communitiesKorntal-Münchingen was created from the forced merger of the city Korntal and the community Münchingen. It is divided into three districts: Korntal, Münchingen, and Kallenberg. The official designation of the districts is Korntal-Münchingen, area Korntal; Korntal-Münchingen, area Münchingen; Korntal-Münchingen, area Kallenberg. Area Korntal consists of the former city of Korntal, and area Münchingen consists of the bigger part of the former village of Münchingen, including Müllerheim, the mill "Glemsmühle" at the Glems stream and the estate "Hof Mauer". It also comprises the former settlements of "Birkach", "Leinfelden", settlements that had been abandoned by the Early Modern era. Area Kallenberg consists of that part of the area of the former village of Münchingen that lies East of motorway A 81 and North of B 10, and developed around an industrial area since the 1950s.

Adresse: 70825 Korntal-Münchingen
Stadt: Korntal-Münchingen
Postleitzahl: 70825

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