
Ladenburg Kontakt Informationen


Ladenburg is a town in the district of Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated on the right bank of the Neckar, 10km east of Mannheim, and 10km northwest of Heidelberg.Ladenburg's history dates back to Celtic and Roman ages. In Roman times it was called 'Lopodunum'. Emperor Trajan elevated it to the status of a city ('civitas') in the year 98. Its old centre dates back to the Late Middle Age.Ladenburg is located on Bertha Benz Memorial Route.MayorsList of mayors:Notable residents Johann Friedrich von Seilern (1646–1715), son of a dyer and later Imperial Count, was born in Ladenburg. Johann Christoph Sauer (1695–1757), the first German-language printer and publisher in North America, was born in Ladenburg Franz Xaver(1780-1844) and Friedrich von Hertling, Bavarian war ministers, were born in Ladenburg. Michael Frey (1787-1832), composer, violinist and conductor Lambert Heinrich von Babo (1818-1899), chemist Karl Benz, (1844-1929), inventor of the automobile, lived in Ladenburg between 1906 and his death in 1929. Martin Hartmann (1870-1931), lawyer, head of the Baden office Rudolf Agricola (1900-1985), economist and journalist

Adresse: 68520–68526 Ladenburg
Stadt: Ladenburg
Postleitzahl: 68520–68526

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