
Landkreis Neu-Ulm Kontakt Informationen


Neu-Ulm is a Landkreis (district) in Swabia, Bavaria, Germany. It is bounded by (from the east and clockwise) the districts of Günzburg and Unterallgäu and the state of Baden-Württemberg (districts Biberach and Alb-Donau, city of Ulm).The district was established in 1972 by merging the former districts of Neu-Ulm and Illertissen with the previously district-free city of Neu-Ulm.The district includes the eastern metropolitan area of the city of Ulm. The Danube and its tributary, the Iller, form the western border of the district.

Adresse: Kantstraße 8, 89231 Neu-Ulm, 89233 Weißenhorn
Stadt: Weißenhorn
Postleitzahl: 89233

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