
Landsberg am Lech Kontakt Informationen


Landsberg am Lech is a town in southwest Bavaria, Germany, about 65 kilometers west of Munich and 35 kilometers south of Augsburg. It is the capital of the district of Landsberg am Lech.OverviewLandsberg is situated on the Romantic Road and is the center of the Lechrain region, the boundary region between Swabia and Bavaria. It is noted for its picturesque historic center.Landsberg am Lech developed where a major historic salt road crossed over the Lech river. To protect the bridge, Duke Henry the Lion ordered a castle to be built, Castrum Landespurch, incorporating an older settlement and castle named Phetine. Soon a greater settlement evolved, which received its town charter as early as the 13th century.In 1315 the town burned down, but was rebuilt because of its important location. In 1320 Landsberg was permitted to collect salt duties, bringing considerable wealth to the town. In 1419 a river tax added a further source of income.The town is noted for its prison where Adolf Hitler was incarcerated in 1924. During this incarceration Hitler wrote/dictated his book Mein Kampf together with Rudolf Hess. His cell, number 7, became part of the Nazi cult and many followers came to visit it during the German Nazi-period. Landsberg am Lech was also known as the town of the Hitler Youth. Following World War II it was the location for one of the largest Displaced Person (DP) camps for Jewish refugees and the place of execution for more than 150 war criminals after 1945.

Adresse: 86899 Landsberg am Lech
Stadt: Landsberg am Lech
Postleitzahl: 86899

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