
Langenburg Kontakt Informationen


Langenburg is a town in the district of Schwäbisch Hall, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is located on a hill above the river Jagst, 18 km northeast of Schwäbisch Hall. It is also the place where the Wibele - small, sweet, biscuit-like pastries - were invented and are still baked today.HistoryThe history of Langenburg begins with the building of a castle on the western hill crag. Prehistoric settling is likely, but not proven. Langenburg is first documented in 1226. The free Lords of Langenburg, which stepped into history in 1201, were closely related to the Lords of Hohenlohe. Maybe they even held family bonds. After the Langenburgs had died out, the Hohenlohe family inherited the possessions. Langenburg thus came under the rule of Hohenlohe and remained part of the Principality for the next centuries. Since 1568 Langenburg was the residency of the county and latter principality Hohenlohe-Langenburg.In the 17th Century, Langenburg was the site of witch trials. The last victims, Anna Schmieg and Barbara Schleicher, were executed in 1672.SightsLangenburg has a vintage car museum and the large Langenburg Castle, the seat of the family of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

Adresse: 74595 Langenburg
Stadt: Langenburg
Postleitzahl: 74595

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