
Lauchringen Kontakt Informationen



Lauchringen is a village in the county of Waldshut in Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It is divided in two districts: Oberlauchringen and Unterlauchringen.GeographyLauchringen lies on the Rhine Plain in the lower Klettgau at the foot of the Küssaberg with its castle of Küssaburg, one of the landmarks of the region.HistoryThe settlement of Lauchringen can be traced to early Alemannic times. This can be seen in the name tag "-ingen" and is also proven through archaeological findings. The first written record for part of Oberlauchringen can be found in a document of the monastery of Rheinau in 860.The present municipality has been formed by the merger of the two formerly independent parishes of Ober- and Unterlauchringen.PoliticsMayors To 1971, in Oberlauchringen: Berthold Schmidt, in Unterlauchringen: August Strittmatter07|01|1971 - 07|31|2002 Bertold SchmidtSince 08|01|2002 Thomas SchäubleCoat of armsLauchringen's coat of arms is divided horizontally. The upper half depicts three stylised red spearheads on a silver field. The lower half portrays a walking silver swan on a blue field. This coat of arms was introduced after the merger of the municipality in 1971 and is based on the former coats of arms of its two constituents.The municipal colours are blue and white.PartnershipsSt. Pierre de Chandieu, southeast of Lyon, since 1997

Adresse: 79787 Lauchringen
Stadt: Lauchringen
Postleitzahl: 79787

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