
Lenzkirch Kontakt Informationen


Lenzkirch is a municipality in the Black Forest. It lies in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.GeographyLenzkirch is on the Black Forest plateau, in the valley of the river Haslach, which near the south east border of the municipality merges with the Gutach to become the Wutach. The Urseetal, a glacial valley, falls from the southwest corner of the municipality. The highest point of the municipality is the 1192m Hochfirst peak, marked by the Hochfirst Tower, on the boundary with the neighbouring municipality of Titisee-Neustadt.Neighbouring municipalitiesClockwise from the north, Lenzkirch borders on Titisee-Neustadt, Friedenweiler, Löffingen, Bonndorf, Schluchsee and Feldberg. All are in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, except Bonndorf which is in Waldshut.Constituent communitiesThe municipality is made up of the town of Lenzkirch and the villages of Saig, Kappel,, and Raitenbuch .

Adresse: 79853 Lenzkirch
Stadt: Lenzkirch
Postleitzahl: 79853

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