
Lo Studio Schlossgasse zweiundzwanzig Kontakt Informationen

Lo Studio Schlossgasse zweiundzwanzig


LO STUDIO is an art gallery set in a real-life environment. It is a space to live and linger and experience art in a living context.


LO STUDIO is a project of international designer Sabine Uhdris. In regularly changing exhibitions, she displays works of artists from around the world and from different artistic areas, such as painting, photography, haute couture, sculpture, design, architecture etc.

LO STUDIO works with the philosophy "by friends – for friends". This very personal concept is underlined by the unique setting of the gallery
as living space.

LO STUDIO is a place to linger and communicate.

For any copyright problems regarding third parties pictures or links please send an email and it will be removed at once.


Impressum: LO STUDIO - Sabine Uhdris
Schlossgasse 22
63654 Büdingen
tel: +49 (0) 6042 978 9751
+49 (0) 173 682 7156
email: [email protected]

Adresse: Schlossgasse 22, 63654 Büdingen
Telefonnummer: +49 173 682 7156
Stadt: Büdingen
Postleitzahl: 63654

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