
Loffenau Kontakt Informationen



Loffenau is a town in the district of Rastatt in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.GeographyLoffenau is located within a tributary valley of the Murg River in the western slopes of the northern Black Forest.HistoryLoffenau enjoys a rich history, spanning well over seven centuries.Local attractionsOne of the major points of interest in Loffenau is the Protestant Heilig Kreuz Church. The 550-year-old Medieval church contains both well-preserved original and restored 19th-century frescos. Among various images of saints and apostles, visitors can admire the well known image of the 'Host Mill.' An easily accessible viewing platform is located within the church. Another major local attraction is the Teufelsmühle which overlooks the town from a lofty altitude of 2979 ft PoliticsThe town is member of the Association of Administrations of Cities. Gernsbachlocal governmentThe local government consists of twelve elected members and a mayor. (five CDU; four FWG; three SPD)twinningThe town is twinned with: Caderousse, Département Vaucluse, Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, france since 1985, Kreischa district Weißeritzkreis, Sachsen, Germany since 1990 Montefelcino, Region Marche, Province Pesaro and Urbino, Italy since 1999.

Adresse: 76597 Loffenau
Stadt: Loffenau
Postleitzahl: 76597

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