
LPS-Lasersysteme Lasershow + Showlaser Systems Kontakt Informationen

LPS-Lasersysteme Lasershow + Showlaser Systems


LPS - the brand made in Germany - a leading producer of laser shows, systems, modules, software and partner at multimedia events worldwide - since 1993.



LPS-Lasersysteme is a leading German producer of show laser systems, laser shows and interactive laser experience as well as laser show software and laser modules. With their creativity and extensive knowledge LPS has been key part of international multimedia events since 1993.

LPS-Lasersysteme places highest value on steady growth through an appealing product range for customers with the highest demands. All laser products are manufactured with meticulous, hands-on attention pass strict internal quality controls. LPS-Lasersysteme produces in addition exclusively on customer's request. This guarantees that specific requirements can be met and that customers receive tailor-made products.

All show laser systems and laser modules are developed and produced at company headquarters in Ofterdingen, Germany. This even includes the laser software that is developed by in-house engineers.
Strict guidelines and technically high standards are combined with reliable functionality and fair price-performance ratio, with an emphasis on laser safety. This guarantees a triple-safety cutoff in laser projectors, tested regularly by the TUEV SUED (safety standards authority).

With its highly trained and motivated staff, LPS-Lasersysteme focuses on enhancing long-term value in technology and corporate structure. LPS key pillars are growth, technological advancement, market shaping, and satisfied customers.

Their activities aim at prime areas of international entertainment markets. Flexibility and highly customized service as well as quick service and response times, distinguish LPS as a provider of exclusive, high-end laser projectors.

LPS headquarter is located in Southwest Germany in Ofterdingen, approximately 45 km south of Stuttgart and only 10 km from the renowned university city of Tuebingen. It is here that product development, production, marketing, and distribution take place. Company headquarters is also the home to show laser systems installation, service, as well as planning and implementation of laser shows. Programming and laser shows simulation are conducted in the showroom, the heart of the company.

Business divisions

LPS-Lasersysteme is a leading manufacturer of laser show systems. LPS laser equipment supported by custom laser show software assure customers memorable interactive laser show experiences. Personnel adhere to rigorous technology and quality standards, helping to earn the company’s reputation as an exclusive creator of German laser show systems.

Major event agencies, laser show providers, and government institutions worldwide employ professional LPS laser show systems, software and laser modules. LPS forms long strong, close relationships with their clients as well as suppliers. LPS’ exceptional quality and service are evidenced by the continued support they receive from extensive international customers.

“REALS by LPS” allows real interactive laser experience. Body contours, moving objects or simple movement patterns - the laser projects on the moving objects in real time or can interact laser objects, such as company logos or any geometric shapes with the objects. The laser show responds to the viewer, interacts with the moving audience - an interactive game begins in real time. No choreographically training needed.

LPS laser products are used in these multifaceted venues:

automotive industry, bowling centers, casinos, discos and entertainment centers, adventure parks and baths, and theme parks, opening ceremonies, television shows, movies and video clips, corporate events, hotels, cinemas, castles, variety of concerts, including rock concerts and tours, exhibitions, multimedia, musical, opera performances, conference centers, outdoor laser shows, new product introductions, government projects, New Year’s events, gala dinners, ski resorts, SkyLaserBeam und architectural laser beams, sporting events.

Key facts and figures

LPS-Lasersysteme is a premium designer in the international segment for show lasers, laser modules, laser shows, multimedia events, and service. All research and development, production and distribution are directed from headquarters in Germany.

LPS Philosophy

LPS’ business activities are characterized by fair competition and respect for all business partners and market participants. Responsibility and mutual trust form the foundation of the LPS-Lasersysteme corporate culture. The philosophy of company management and employees is built on trustworthiness and highly ethical standards, resulting in LPS enjoying steadfast business relationships.

Responsible ecological thinking and action are demanded of LPS’ primarily local suppliers.


Managing director and founder of LPS-Lasersysteme, Mr. Siegmund Ruff, has been active in the laser show industry since 1989. In March 1993 he founded Germany-based LPS-Lasersysteme.

The corporate mission that demands top quality, fair trade practice, and mutual respect in all business transactions has provided the foundation for global expansion.

Overview of Company Milestones from „Start-Up“ under:


For more information contact Mr. Siegmund Ruff via phone +49 7473 271177 or visit additional www.lps-laser.com

On our Facebook site we will inform you about our news, products, laser shows, campaigns and more. Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

"Laser shows and show lasers, like LPS Laser Array Beam Bar RGB, LPS-Bax SixSCAN and LPS-Bax RGB laser projectors.Manufacture. Sales. Install. Rental. Dry Hire.LPS laser Systems is a leading producer and a well-known partner with water shows and multimania shows worldwide.LPS is known for LASER IMPRESSIONS FOR THE BEST - since 1993.Lasershow und Showlaser, wie etwa LPS Laser Array Beam Bars RGB, LPS-Bax SixSCAN and LPS-Bax RGB.Herstellung. Verkauf. Installation. Vermietung. Dry Hire.LPS-Lasersysteme ist ein führender Hersteller sowie weltweit ein namhafter Partner bei Wassershows und Multimania-Shows.LPS liefert LASERIMPRESSIONEN FÜR DIE BESTEN - seit 1993."
Adresse: Haidschwärze 18, 72131 Ofterdingen
Telefonnummer: +49 7473 27 11 77
Stadt: Ofterdingen
Postleitzahl: 72131


Montag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 08:00 - 17:00

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Als professioneller Anbieter und Dienstleister von faszinierenden, nachhaltigen und sicheren Lasershows zugleich, sind wir auf einen Lieferanten und Partner angewiesen der in diesen Bereichen ebenso wie wir keinerlei Kompromisse eingeht. Mit LPS-Lasersysteme haben wir einen Partner im Background, der nicht nur regelmäßig weltweit zu ausgewählten großen Veranstaltungen sein KnowHow und Können unter Beweis stellt, sondern uns allseits auch zuverlässig technische Unterstützung bietet. So brauchen wir uns vor keiner Veranstaltung fürchten und können im Grunde genommen alle Größenordnungen im professionellen Stile erfüllen.
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