
LS-S Kontakt Informationen


Solution provider for HRD and OD processes


LS-S Leadership Support GmbH digitalizes workflows in Leadership, Human Ressource and Organizational Development by providing innovative tools & apps to catalyse corporate success.

Our company specialises in connecting Human Resources, Organisational Development, IT & Design into one working system and combine our knowlegde of these areas. We are not just an IT-Provider, but an integrated solution provider for holistic pragmatic solutions to drive our client’s corporate success.

We can bring any idea to “digital” life as we develop own instruments & Apps in-house and can offer bespoke multi-language web-based tools and innovative Apps for training, transfer and leadership.

Learn more on our website http://ls-s.com/ and subscribe to our blog for Digital Leaders: http://ls-s.com/blog/

Adresse: Kölner Straße 4, 56626 Andernach
Telefonnummer: +49263246933
Stadt: Andernach
Postleitzahl: 56626

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