
Lütjenburg Kontakt Informationen


Lütjenburg is a town of the district of Plön, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It is located approximately 18km northeast of Plön, and 30km east of Kiel.HistoryLütjenburg was founded in the 12th century by Lord Holstein as a result of the conquest of the old territories of the Slavic peoples.PoliticsSince the local election in 2008, the CDU has ten and the SPD nine seats in the 19-seats city council of Lütjenburg.The member of the Bundestag for the electoral district of Plön-Neumünster is Philipp Murmann (CDU), who got 38.6 percent of all votes in 2009 and the member of the Landtag, in Kiel, is Werner Kalinka (CDU), who got 35.7 percent.EconomyDue to the closeness to the Ostseebad Hohwacht many tourists visit Lütjenburg as well, to do some shopping or to visit the landmark of Lütjenburg, the "Bismarck Tower".The 6th. antiaircraft regiment of the Bundeswehr is located in Lütjenburg, too. The Bundeswehr is the biggest employer in this region.EducationLütjenburg has an elementary school and, by now, still all other, continuative schools, the "Hauptschule", "Realschule", "Gymnasium" . They are united in the "Schulzentrum Lütjenburg", a center of all these three continuative schools. But they are just united regarding the location. A special school "Otto-Mensing-Schule" is also located in Lütjenburg.

Adresse: 24321 Lütjenburg
Stadt: Lütjenburg
Postleitzahl: 24321

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