
Martfeld Kontakt Informationen


Martfeld is a municipality in the district of Diepholz, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is part of the Bruchhausen-Vilsen (Samtgemeinde) Collective Municipality.GeographyGeographic LocationMartfeld is located approximately 36 km southeast of Bremen.NeighborsNeighboring communities are Schwarme and Bruchhausen-VilsenCommunity BreakdownThe following places belong administratively to Martfeld: HollenHustedtKleinenborstelLogeMartfelder HeideTuschendorfHistoryThe village was first mentioned in a papal document personally signed by Pope Alexander III in 1179.PoliticsMunicipal CouncilSPD - 3 SeatsGreen - 2 SeatsOthers - 8 SeatsPartner Towns La Bazoge in FranceCulture and the ArtsStructuresMartfeld Mill: The Martfeld mill was first mentioned in the year 1583. Originally built as a block windmill, in 1840 it was rebuilt in three story Dutch-style. The mill burned to the ground after a lightning strike in 1851 and was rebuilt the same year. Between 1992 and 1999 the mill was completely renovated. The mill is the oldest windmill in the area.Fehsenfeldsche Mill: Built in 1871 in the three story Dutch-style, the mill operated until 1971. In 1991 the mill was restored and is now used for weddings.

Adresse: 27327 Martfeld
Stadt: Martfeld
Postleitzahl: 27327

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