
Martina Berger - MBody: enliven your body, embody your spirit Kontakt Informationen


Heilpraktikerin, Physio-/Manualtherapeutin, Yogalehrerin

Yoga Instructor, Physio-/Massagetherapist, Alternative Practitioner, Manual Therapist, Reflexologist, Wellness-/Aqua Trainer


Martina Berger is a german healer from the heart. When you meet her you feel immediately embraced of the warmth and light what surrounds her. With her presence and her healing art “MBody – enliven your body, embody your spirit” you find back to your inner core which is completely healthy. She has the talent seeing “Who you really are”. She reminds you on what you have always known deep inside of yourself. So, you arrive at your home base, get all the answers you need for moving on and enter a world which is unbelievably vast and colorful. You are able to open your eyes and see reality like it is in order to create a new life – your life.
Martina’s treatments are guided of the spiritual world and there’s an influence from her former professions as an alternative practitioner, physiotherapist, reflexologist and triyoga teacher.
In the loving atmosphere of her sessions experience healing by the power of her hands and immerse into silence. Body – Soul – Spirit celebrate a reunion and you indulge in deep relaxation. Space and time is transcended – so you are.

Adresse: Osianderstr. 5, 91710 Gunzenhausen
Telefonnummer: +491716160952
Stadt: Gunzenhausen
Postleitzahl: 91710


Montag: 07:00 - 20:00
Dienstag: 07:00 - 20:00
Mittwoch: 07:00 - 20:00
Donnerstag: 07:00 - 20:00
Freitag: 07:00 - 20:00
Samstag: 07:00 - 13:00

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