
Memmelsdorf Kontakt Informationen


Memmelsdorf is a community in the Upper Franconian district of Bamberg bordering in the west directly on the city of Bamberg.HistoryAs with most places in the Bamberg district, this community’s exact founding time cannot be established. However, looking back through the properties of the royal chamber estate in Memmelsdorf yields a founding time sometime about 900. Since there were no local monasteries at that time, there is today a lack of historical accounts about settlement here.About 1120, evidence crops up of Mam’s, Mamo’s or Memo’s village (Dorf in German). A Frank by the name of Mamo is the namesake of Memenstorf, Memistorf, Mamestorf or Mamenestorf – the place now known as Memmelsdorf. From road names that have been handed down it is assumed that this founding, lying between two brooks, safeguarded old traffic routes. 900 Founding of the royal chamber estate 1120 Founding of Mamo’s village 1248 Founding of Memmelsdorf lower court district Memmelsdorf belonged to the High Monastery at Bamberg and was the seat of a princely Vogt (reeve). Since the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 1803, the community has belonged to Bavaria. In the course of administrative reform in Bavaria, today’s community came into being under the Gemeindeedikt (“Community Edict”) of 1818.Population developmentConstituent communitiesUntil 1953, the community of Memmelsdorf consisted only of the centre named Memmelsdorf and the nearby Schloss Seehof (castle).

Adresse: 96117 Memmelsdorf
Stadt: Memmelsdorf
Postleitzahl: 96117

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