
Michelstadt Kontakt Informationen


Michelstadt in the Odenwald is a town in the Odenwaldkreis (district) in southern Hesse, Germany between Darmstadt and Heidelberg. It has a population of around 16,000.GeographyLocationMichelstadt is the biggest town in the Odenwaldkreis and borders on the district seat of Erbach.Neighbouring municipalitiesMichelstadt borders in the north on the municipality of Brombachtal, the town of Bad König and the municipality of Lützelbach, in the east on the town of Klingenberg, the market municipalities of Laudenbach and Kleinheubach, the town of Miltenberg, the market municipality of Weilbach, the town of Amorbach and the market municipality of Kirchzell (all seven in Miltenberg district in Bavaria), in the south on the town of Erbach, and in the west on the municipalities of Mossautal and Reichelsheim.

Adresse: Michelstadt
Stadt: Michelstadt

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