
Mittweida Kontakt Informationen


Mittweida is a town in the Free State of Saxony, Germany, in the Mittelsachsen district. It is situated on the Zschopau River, 18 km north of Chemnitz, and 54 km west of Dresden.Since its founding in the 13th century, the town has continually grown into one of the major textile-producing centers in Saxony of the 20th century.Embedded within the steep hills and valleys of the river and two smaller creeks, the town is green and picturesque. Of interest are the Gothic church from the 15/16th century, the old town, the historic and technical museums and the nearby Kriebstein castle.Mittweida is home to a university with about 5000 students. Founded in the late 19th century, it is known far beyond the Saxon borders. Among its students were August Horch, Walter Bruch, Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen, and Gerhard Neumann. During World War II, a subcamp of Flossenbürg concentration camp was located there.Mayors 1960–1972 Günter Kluge (SED) 1972–1988 Max Gerhard Imhof (SED) 1988–1989 Hans Günter Beulich (SED) 1990 Helene Gerda Wunderlich (SED) 1990–2001 Bruno Rudolf Kny (CDU) 2001–2015 Matthias Damm (CDU) since 2015 Ralf Schreiber

Adresse: 09648 Mittweida
Stadt: Mittweida
Postleitzahl: 09648

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