
Muggensturm Kontakt Informationen


Muggensturm is a municipality in the district of Rastatt in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.GeographyMuggensturm is sited in the Upper Rhine Plain at the foot of the Black Forest. The 27 km long Federbach flows through the town and the neighboring 43 ha nature reserve Federbachbruch.The municipality borders Bietigheim, Malsch (district of Karlsruhe), Oberweier, Kuppenheim, Waldprechtsweier and Bischweier.Muggensturm's area contains the municipality as well as the Ziegelhütte house in the Steinhardt and the lost settlements of Eichelbach and Frierlinde.HistoryThe first mention of Muggensturm can be found in an official document of Pope Celestine III in the year 1193, where it is spelled Mugetstrum.PoliticsMunicipal councilThe 2009 local election resulted in the following composition of the municipal council (Gemeinderat): Free Voters (MBV) 38.8% (+11.0), 5 seats (+1) SPD 33.2% (+4.4), 5 seats (+1) CDU 27.9% (-0.9), 4 seats (=) The voter participation was 54.1% (+0.2). Numbers in braces refer to the results of the previous local election.

Adresse: 76461 Muggensturm
Stadt: Muggensturm
Postleitzahl: 76461

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