
Musica Eterna Roma Kontakt Informationen

Musica Eterna Roma


Musica Eterna Roma
Rome *July 10-14, 2019

Experience the Eternal City of Rome Artistic Director M° Gábor Hollerung and M° Michele Josia


The idea was born in Budapest… when two friends and lovers of choral music - Piroska Horváth, today co- founder and managing director of meeting music and Mo Gábor Hollerung, artistic director - realized their dream, which was to work for the choral community and to unite in music through choral competition.
Since then a lot has happened and together with an international organizing team their work is assisted perfectly well. meeting music gathers singers from around the globe and offers great opportunity to all amateur choirs to perform on international stages, to make choral music popular among others and unite in harmony through music.
Around Europe meeting music choral festivals and competitions at numerous locations, cooperate with fantastic musical professionals to assure the events’ high standard and underline the idea of a familiar and common goal.

Since 2005 Rome is host city for choirs and singers from all over the world, who not only love sacred music but also the idea of coming together in the eternal city and center of choral music. Inspired by a vibrant atmosphere of friendship everybody is thrilled to share the passion for music and singing together!
The idea to unite people through their music, irrespectively of their cultures, habits, religious beliefs and roots is the main goal of our event.
Musica Eterna Roma invites to sing and to enjoy magnificent days, follow and old telling: “All roads lead to Rome”.
Find your place in a wide range of categories for different standards, types of choirs and musical genres for all amateur groups.
Apply for festival activities and Sing! with others at meeting in music Friendship Concerts or improve your skills in Individual Coachings and Evaluation Performances and more!

Musica Eterna Roma | International Choral Festival & Competition” is part of the new InChoral – International Music Competitions Network and is using the InChoral Evaluation System.

See you in July 11-15, 2018!

Adresse: Konrad Adenauer Str. 36, 35415 Watzenborn
Telefonnummer: +49 6403 9784225
Stadt: Watzenborn
Postleitzahl: 35415

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