
Mutlangen Kontakt Informationen


Mutlangen is a town in the German state of Baden-Württemberg in the Ostalbkreis district and belongs to the Stuttgart Metropolitan Region. As of 31 December 2015, it has 6588 inhabitants.GeographyMutlangen is located between the Welzheim Forest and the Swabian Keuper-Lias Plains on an elevation above the Rems valley. The neighboring communes of Mutlangen are Durlangen in the north, the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd in the east and south as well as Alfdorf in the west. Mutlangen consists of the small town Mutlangen and the hamlet Pfersbach, which belongs to Mutlangen since 1 April 1973.HistoryAt around 500 AD and later the first verifiable settlement existed . However, the site only became more popular at around 1100 to 1200 AD. The manorial systems alternated in a fast pace: Hohenstaufen, Weinsberg and Rechberg. After some time monasteries and families from the nearby Gmünd area were its landlords. The name Mutlangen was first mentioned in 1293 in the scriptures of the Lorch Monastery, which probably was its owner at the time.In the year 1581, the neighboring town of Schwäbisch Gmünd took Mutlangen as property. In the course of the secularization at around 1800, Schwäbisch Gmünd lost its sovereignty and was assigned to the newly established Kingdom of Württemberg. After World War II Mutlangen had around 1200 inhabitants and exhibited a mostly agricultural labour structure. In addition, in the aftermath of the war numerous refugees and expellees were received. The following decades were characterised by a change to a more industrialised town with newly established enterprises and an increasing population.

Adresse: 73557 Mutlangen
Stadt: Mutlangen
Postleitzahl: 73557

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