
Neckarelz Kontakt Informationen


Neckarelz is a suburb of Mosbach in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.GeographyNeckarelz is in northern Baden-Württemberg, between the Odenwald and Kraichgau, at the confluence of the Neckar and Elz rivers. On the other side of the Neckar, are the towns of Hochhausen and Obrigheim. Next to Neckarelz, is the suburb of Diedesheim.HistoryThe town was part of the Electorate of the Palatinate from around 1362.From 1944 to 1945, there was an annex or subcamp of Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in Neckarelz, with the prisoners barracked in the school. The factory in Obrigheim which produced bomber engines used nearly ten thousand prisoners, of whom about half came from the concentration camp. In April 1945, 900 of them were rescued.ReligionUntil World War II, Neckarelz was almost completely Protestant. After the arrival of Catholic refugees, a new church was built.DemographicsNeckarelz is the largest suburb of Mosbach, with approximately 6,500 inhabitants.Coat of armsThis depicts the rhombuses of the Electorate of the Palatinate at the top and a fish below.

Adresse: 74821 Neckarelz
Stadt: Neckarelz
Postleitzahl: 74821

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