
Nersingen Kontakt Informationen


Nersingen is a municipality in the District of Neu-Ulm in Bavaria, Germany. The neighbours are Neu-Ulm, Elchingen, Bibertal and Pfaffenhofen an der Roth.GeographyGeographic locationThrough the area of Nersingen flow three rivers: The Danube in the north and her both supply rivers Roth and Leibi, which cross Nersingen from south to north. Also, there are some water ditches and some excavator lakes, which resulted from gravel quarrying. The most part of Nersingen is on the gravellic ground.Municipality arrangementThe municipality of Nersingen consists of the principal village of Nersingen and the part villages Straß, Leibi, Unterfahlheim, and Oberfahlheim.Economics and infrastructureCompaniesHilti AG in StraßTrafficNersingen lies next to the Bundesautobahn 7 and the train line Ulm - Munich. The Bundesstraße 10 passes the municipality parts Unterfahlheim, Oberfahlheim and Nersingen.EducationThere are two elementary schools and one elementary- and principal school.Objects of interest "Bräuhaus Seybold" in Nersingen "Museum für bildende Kunst" in Oberfahlheim Church "St. Johann Baptist" in Straß Church "St. Dionysius" in Oberfahlheim Church "St. Nikolaus" in Nersingen

Adresse: 89278 Nersingen
Stadt: Nersingen
Postleitzahl: 89278

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