
Niederstetten Air Base Kontakt Informationen


Niederstetten Air Base is located east of the city of Niederstetten in Northern Baden-Württemberg, Germany.In 1936 construction of an air field for the Luftwaffe was completed. However, no permanent buildings and structures were erected, indicating that there were no plans for a permanent air field. The base was used during World War II by several Luftwaffe units including night fighters. After the end of World War II the air field was abandoned.Beginning in 1957 works started to convert the former air force base into an air base to house units of the recently formed German Army's Aviation Corps, utilising the facilities of the previous occupant. These final works were completed in 1962 after which numerous units were stationed at Niederstetten Air Base.Currently, the air base is home of Army Aviation Transport Helicopter Regiment 30 of the German Army. The regiment, which was relocated to Niederstetten in 1980, is part of German Army's Airmobile Operations Division, the division's headquarters being in Veitshöchheim. Approximately 750 members of the armed forces are at present employed at the air base. However, due to further restructuring within the German Army Aviation Corps this number was increased by 600 in 2011.

Adresse: Wildentierbacherstr. 100, 97996 Niederstetten
Stadt: Niederstetten
Postleitzahl: 97996

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