
Nite Hawk Predator Kontakt Informationen

Nite Hawk Predator


The NITE-HAWK predator is used to find large amounts of lost golf balls in short time . It the "e-Truffle Pig" for lost golf balls!


The NITE-HAWK ball predator is an electronic golf gadget, that enables you to find large amounts of lost golf balls.
It works in low light environments, either after or before your round of golf but most of all during the cold season when its getting dark early.
The NITE-HAWK emits defined short-wave light which makes normal golf balls illuminate in a miraculous way. This triggered illumination is strong enough that balls with only 1 % exposed surface can be identified.
On most golf courses big amounts of lost "invisible" golf balls are hidden in the rough, bushes and under leaves and lots of them can easily be "harvested".
Finding many balls in short time is fun, it´s profitable and protects the environment. The NITE HAWK is a specially designed fun accessoire. If used as golf gift, or golf trophy, -it finally is a MUST for YOUR bag.

Adresse: Kremerstr 12, 86609 Donauwörth
Telefonnummer: 004917661126244
Stadt: Donauwörth
Postleitzahl: 86609

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