
Nonnenhorn Kontakt Informationen


Nonnenhorn is one of the three Bavarian towns on Lake Constance in the Swabian district of Lindau. The air health resort and famous wine town is located between Wasserburg (Bodensee) and Kressbronn am Bodensee (Baden-Württemberg).GeographyNonnenhorn is located in the Allgäu region at Lake Constance.PoliticsThe mayor of the town was Michael Hornstein . He was elected in 2002 as successor to Josef Hornstein . In 2008 Rainer Krauß was elected the new mayor. The revenue from the municipal tax added up to €968,000 in 1999, of which the net business tax amounted to €105,000.Economy and infrastructureEconomy, agriculture and forestryAccording to the official statistics, in 1998 there were ten employees who were subject to social insurance contribution in the agricultural, 80 in the industrial and 24 in the sector of trade and transport at place of work. In miscellaneous sectors there were 104 people employed at place ofwork. At place of domicile there were 445 employees altogether. In the industrial sector there were none, in the main construction trade two businesses. Moreover, there were 30 agricultural businesses in 1999 with a total area of 137 ha. The viniculture plays a mayor role as well as the tourism.EducationIn 1999 there were the following institutions: Kindergartens: 50 kindergarten places and 48 childrenAn elementary school with five teachers and 103 studentsPersonalities Georg Köberle (1819-1898), writer and dramaturg Josef Forster(physician) (1844-1910), hygienist in Amsterdam and Strasbourg

Adresse: 88149 Nonnenhorn
Stadt: Nonnenhorn
Postleitzahl: 88149

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