
Nürtingen Kontakt Informationen


Nürtingen is a town in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. It is located on the river Neckar.DistrictsHardtHardt is the smallest district of Nürtingen. Hardt was first mentioned in 1366 in documents.NeckarhausenNeckarhausen is about 2 km from Nürtingen. Neckarhausen was first mentioned in the year 1284. The site is largely dominated by the church and the town hall.RaidwangenRaidwangen is about 3 km southwest of Nürtingen and about 1 km from the Neckar. Raidwangen was first mentioned in 1236 in documents.ReudernReudern is located on a hill approximately 3 km east of Nürtingen and was first mentioned in the year 1338.ZizishausenZizishausen is to the left and right of the Neckar and borders to the north directly to the core city of Nürtingen. Zizishausen was first mentioned in 1296.OberensingenOberensingen closes immediately northwest of the central city of Nürtingen. The first mention dates back to 1344.RoßdorfRoßdorf lies south of Nürtingen. The district was created in the early 1960s as a model construction project for modern urban planning on the drawing board. Today Roßdorf has around 4,500 inhabitants.HistoryThe following events occurred, by year:1046 : First mention of Niuritingin in the document of Speyer. Heinrich III gave Nürtingen as a gift to the chapter of Speyeraround 1335 : Nürtingen receives the city rights1421 : Nürtingen is the domicile of the Württemberg widows.1602 : The Maientag, a famous folklore procession and celebration is first recorded1634 : Half of the population died in the Thirty Years' War and of the plague1750 : 133 buildings were burned down in the great fire1783/1784 : Friedrich Hölderlin and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling are pupils of the Latin school (German: Lateinschule). They are still commemorated in the town by the street name Schellingstraße and the name of a highschool Hölderlin-Gymnasium.

Adresse: 72601–72622 Nürtingen
Stadt: Nürtingen
Postleitzahl: 72601–72622

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