
Ober-Ramstadt Kontakt Informationen


Ober-Ramstadt is a town in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district, in Hessen, Germany. It is situated 9 km southeast of Darmstadt. As of 2006, its population was 15,196.GeographyLocationOber-Ramstadt is situated 9 km away from Darmstadt on the Bundesstrasse 426 at the foot of the Odenwald. The small river Modau flows through Ober-Ramstadt, forming a little artificial lake south of the city.Neighbouring communities and areasOber-Ramstadt borders Roßdorf to the north, to the east the city of Reinheim, Groß-Bieberau to the southeast, the community of Modautal in the south, to the west Mühltal, and to the northwest the city of Darmstadt.Divisions and districtsSince 1977, Ober-Ramstadt is formed by the town itself plus three more Stadtteile: Modau,, Wembach-Hahn,, and Rohrbach,, which joined in voluntarily in 1972.HistoryTraces of first settlement have been found which date from the later Stone Age. Written evidence derives from 1310, when Eberhardt, Count of Katzenelnbogen received the same freedoms and rights as the city of Frankfurt for his town Ramstadt. This included the right to hold a market and to build fortifications around the town. During and after the Thirty Years' War, the bigger part of population died, mainly through pestilence.

Adresse: 64368–64372 Ober-Ramstadt
Stadt: Ober-Ramstadt
Postleitzahl: 64368–64372

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