
Oberstenfeld Kontakt Informationen


Oberstenfeld is a town in the district of Ludwigsburg in Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It is located about 40 km north of Stuttgart.GeographyOberstenfeld is located in the upper Bottwar river valley. It lies in the northeast of the district of Ludwigsburg. In the north it borders to the Löwensteiner Berge hills, in the west there are the hills Forstberg and Wunnenstein covered by vineyards.Neighboring townsThe closest neighboring towns are Beilstein to the north and Großbottwar to the south.Incorporated villagesThe villages Gronau and Prevorst are incorporated.Prevorst is an exclave located between the Heilbronn district and the Rems-Murr district. With an elevation of 482m it is the highest location of the Ludwigsburg district.TransportationRoad linksThe motorway Autobahn A81 (Zürich – Singen – Würzburg – Hamburg) is nearby and reachable within minutes.Public transportationThe Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (VVS) operates bus stops in Oberstenfeld and its incorporated villages which connects them to the larger metropolitan area Stuttgart. Northwards, when crossing the border to the Heilbronn district, starting in the neighboring town of Beilstein, the buses are operated by the Heilbronner Hohenloher Haller Nahverkehr (HNV), giving access to the city of Heilbronn.

Adresse: 71720 Oberstenfeld
Stadt: Oberstenfeld
Postleitzahl: 71720

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