
Obertraubling Kontakt Informationen


Obertraubling is a municipality in Bavaria, Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz), in the district of Regensburg.Geographical LocationObertraubling is located directly on the southend of the City of Regensburg, the capital of Upper Palatinate.Community Population divided by subdivisions: Einthal (28) Embach (44) Gebelkofen (568) Höhenhof (23) Niedertraubling (653) Oberhinkofen (920) Obertraubling (4,121) Piesenkofen (686) Scharmassing (197) Tenacker (11)In 1972 the previously independent municipalities Niedertraubling, Gebelkofen and Oberhinkofen joined with Obertraubling and became one municipality.HistoryLocally excavated stone axes and vessels dating back to 5000 BC suggest that Obertraubling has been inhabited since the Stone Age. Bronze Age burial mounds in the Neutraubling section dating back to 1,800 BC also indicate human habitation in this part of the Danube flood plain. A Roman farm was established here in the third century AD.Obertraubling is first mentioned in an 817 AD document concerning a land swap. The name originates from the 11th century landowners, the 'Traublinger' noble family.During the Second World War Obertraubling was used as an airbase and factory for the Messerschmitt aircraft manufacturing company.Between the end of 1940 and April 23, 1945, the factory was able to house up to 2,750 slave laborers at a time.

Adresse: 93083 Obertraubling
Stadt: Obertraubling
Postleitzahl: 93083

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