
Obertshausen Kontakt Informationen


Obertshausen is a town in the Offenbach district in the Regierungsbezirk of Darmstadt in the state of Hesse, Germany. It has around 24,000 inhabitants.GeographyLocationObertshausen is one of 13 towns and municipalities in the Offenbach district. The town lies in the thickly wooded eastern part of the Rhine-Main lowland south of the Main and southeast of Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach am Main at an elevation of 112 m above sea level. Southwest of the town is found Darmstadt, the seat of the like-named Regierungsbezirk. To the northeast lies the town of Hanau (Main-Kinzig-Kreis). Obertshausen lies in the southern part of Hesse, not far from the Odenwald and the Spessart.Municipal area's extentThe municipal area stretches over 13.7 km², of which 7.8 km² is woodland, open land and croplandNeighbouring communitiesObertshausen borders in the northwest on the district-free city of Offenbach am Main with its outlying centres of Bieber and Tempelsee, in the north on the town of Mühlheim (centre of Lämmerspiel), in the northeast on the town of Hanau (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) with its outlying centres of Steinheim and Klein-Auheim, in the east on the community of Hainburg, in the southeast on the town of Rodgau (centre of Weiskirchen) and in the southwest on the town of Heusenstamm.

Adresse: 63179 Obertshausen
Stadt: Obertshausen
Postleitzahl: 63179

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