
Ochtendung Kontakt Informationen


Ochtendung is a municipality in the district of Mayen-Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany.GeographyOchtendung lies between the A 48 and A 61 motorways and has designated junctions from both. The village lies on the Nette and is neighboured by the municipalities of Lonnig, Bassenheim, Plaidt, Kruft and Saffig. Up until a few years ago, the B 258 road started in Koblenz before running through Ochtendung and Mayen towards Belgium, passing the Nürburgring. The stretch between Koblenz and Mayen was regraded due to the proximity to the A 48 and has since been the L 98.Municipal DivisionThe districts Alsingerhof, Emmingerhof, Fressenhöfe Waldorferhof and Sackenheimerhöfe make up the municipality of Ochtendung.EtymologyThe name of the village is derived from the word Thing or Ding . A 'Thing' was a governing assembly in Germanic societies.ArcheologyThe south east area of the Eifel region is a veritable treasure trove for archeologists. In 1997, Axel von Berg found the cranium of a Neanderthal along with three stone artefacts by the 'Wannerköpfe' volcano in 1997. The cranium belonged to an adult man (some 35 – 40 years old) and had been broken into three pieces due to the pressure of the Earth, but these were seamlessly put back together.

Adresse: 56299 Ochtendung
Stadt: Ochtendung
Postleitzahl: 56299

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