
Oederan Kontakt Informationen


Oederan is a town in the district of Mittelsachsen, in the Free State of Saxony, Germany.GeographyOederan is situated 14 km southwest of Freiberg, 17 km east of Chemnitz and about 50 km west of Dresden.The town includes the villages of Börnichen, Breitenau, Frankenstein, Gahlenz, Görbersdorf, Kirchbach, Lößnitztal and Schönerstadt.HistoryOederan was first mentioned as town in 1286. The settlement of the area dates back to a Sorbian tribe in the 9th and 10th century. Rhenish Franconian farmers, craftsmen and traders settled down in the 12th century. Since the Middle Ages the most important industries had been cloth manufacturing and linen weaving. In the 19th century the railway construction had a great influence to the growth of the town. Some medium-sized factories were built around the train station of Oederan.During World War II, a subcamp of Flossenbürg concentration camp was located here.LiteratureCziborra, Pascal. KZ Oederan. Verlorene Jugend. Lorbeer Verlag. Bielefeld. 2008Places of interestOederan is known for its tourist attraction “Klein-Erzgebirge”, the oldest miniature park in Germany. About 185 miniatures of famous buildings from the area of the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) in a reduced scale of 1:25 are shown here.

Adresse: 09569 Oederan
Stadt: Oederan
Postleitzahl: 09569

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