
Ohmden Kontakt Informationen


Ohmden is a municipality in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.Neighboring communitiesNeighboring municipalities are starting from North clockwise: Schlierbach, Hattenhofen, Zell unter Aichelberg, all district Göppingen and Holzmaden and Kirchheim unter Teck, both in the district of Esslingen.Municipality arrangementThe municipality includes the village of Ohmden and the courtyards Lindenhof and Talhof.HistoryOhmden 1683/1685 in the Kieser forest stock book Ohmden is the first time documented under the name "Amindon" in 1125 in San Rotulus Petrinus, a parchment of the monastery of the Abbey of Saint Peter in the Black Forest. It describes a barter transaction in which Conrad I, Duke of Zähringen assigned the place to the monastery. Later, the village fell to the monastery Adelberg. Ecclesiastical it belonged to Kirchheim unter Teck. Since 1938 Ohmden belonged to the district Nürtingen, and since 1973 to the district of Esslingen.ReligionsSince the Reformation Ohmden is Protestant coined. To date, the majority of citizens are Protestant. However, there is since 2002 the Catholic Community Centre St. Markus, where regular Catholic services take place. St. Markus is affiliated to the Church St. Ulrich in Kirchheim unter Teck.

Adresse: 73275 Ohmden
Stadt: Ohmden
Postleitzahl: 73275

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