
Optocore Kontakt Informationen



Professional Optical Fibre and Cat5 Network for Permanent Installations, Broadcast and Live Sound


OPTOCORE GmbH (Munich/Germany), was founded in 2003 to commercialize the OPTOCORE optical digital network system and to supply the range of OPTOCORE devices. The OPTOCORE GmbH offers an open system network platform for audio, video and control signals with an exceptional high transmission quality.

The first OPTOCORE devices were developed in the early 1990s by Marc Brunke / Brunke Electronic in a quest for a superior transmission quality of a digital network system based on fibre optics, consequently creating the world’s first optical fibre network system for audio, video and control data transmission.

The initial success has led to a decade of audio innovation with the system being registered for patent in 1994. 1996 saw the release of the first OPTOCORE modules, presented at the “Pro Light & Sound” Exhibition in Frankfurt. This system release led to the launch of the first LX4 units in 2000.

Developed mainly for the transport of digital audio signals the DD 32 unit followed two years later.

The latest products in the OPTOCORE range belong to the X6-series and are stand alone analog audio converters. These small, 16 channel units offer excellent AD/DA conversion and are totally compatible to the OPTOCORE network devices.

Additionally the OPTOCORE company welcome OEM licensees to join the ever increasing OPTOCORE community and to share the multiple benefits of the OPTOCORE network platform.

These are just some of the things that have gone into making the OPTOCORE brand a household-name in the modern professional audio and video environments.

The principle of bundling professional audio and video signals on fibre-optic cables is internationally protected by patents. Further patents are pending. OPTOCORE ® is a registered trademark in Europe, USA and other countries.

Technical Partners:
AVID Audio
RTS Telex
Solid State Logic
Studer Professional Audio
Yamaha Commercial Audio

Adresse: Lohenstr. 8, 82166 Gräfelfing
Telefonnummer: +49898999640
Stadt: Gräfelfing
Postleitzahl: 82166

ähnliche suchanfragen: Optocore x6r, Optocore omc4, Optocore SANE, Optocore dd32, OPTOCORE kabel, Optocore autorouter, OPTOCORE M12, Optocore Control Software
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