
Paulphotography7 Kontakt Informationen



I am an African Photographer based in Germany, art is a passion of mine and i love to express it the most by capturing beautiful moments with my Camera


hi everybody i am a photographer who loves to capture the Beauty that i see in people and places i actually did not study photography but Law instead but i have always loved the beauty of the world and moving to Germany where i had to start from the beginning to "integrate" Photography became a means by which i could continue on what i loved about Law helping people, and in this case helping people realize how beautiful they really are.

i hope to someday have the Privilege to photograph you and make you the look the best you could possibly be. Have a beautiful day:)

Adresse: Marburg, 35043 Marburg An Der Lahn, Hessen, Germany
Telefonnummer: 015750645441
Stadt: Marburg an der Lahn
Postleitzahl: 35043

Paul ist ein sehr leidenschaftlicher Fotograf, der keinen Einsatz scheut. Er hat einen wundervollen Blick für die Szenerie. Unsere Hochzeitsfotos sind wirklich sehr schön geworden. Ich kann ihn echt weiterempfehlen!
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