
PEK3 Group Kontakt Informationen

PEK3 Group


Die PEK3 GmbH mit Sitz in Wolfratshausen vertreibt seit über 25 Jahren unterhalb dem Geschäftsfeld ELECTRONICS und seit 2007 unter EASYTUBE erfolgreich ein modulares Rohr-Schellen-System, ESD-Ausrüstungszubehör, Industrie-Reinigungsmittel, etc.


PEK3 was established with the objective becoming one of the leading suppliers of industrial consumables to the electronics industry. Today PEK3 is one of the best known distributors in Central and Eastern Europe with offices in Germany, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Additionally, after some years' dealing with the concepts of Lean Production, we launched our own Pipe Joint System in 2007 as an easy-to-use tool that can be applied to redesign the entire manufacturing area, giving more flexibility and cost-efficiency to our customers.

Pipe and joint systems, as an efficient tool for implementation of Lean Manufacture, lay bare the potential for improvement in the areas of design of work places. Because the principles are easily understood, the material relatively cheap and the possibilities endless, the first successes in improvement are rapid and build enthusiasm for further change.

A cycle thus results, the improvements in one department fuelling the appetite for change in others, work done in one area showing new potential elsewhere. Nor does this end at the workstation or individual applications such as trolleys, flow racks or packaging areas, it soon becomes evident that this tool can be applied to redesign the entire manufacturing area, giving flexibility where none existed previously. Properly applied, pipe and joint systems offer the opportunity to greatly improve productivity in a wide range of manufacturing, packaging, storage, retail and logistic industries.

PEK3 is now a major supplier of these systems throughout Europe – and beyond! We have customers in northern and southern Africa, South America, Russia, Turkey and throughout Europe. Our assembly teams are based in Poland, France, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia and Morocco. Our principal stocks are in Germany with smaller stocks in other locations as required.

Adresse: Hans-Urmiller-Ring 24, Wolfratshausen
Telefonnummer: +49-8171-4222-0
Stadt: Wolfratshausen


Montag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 08:00 - 15:30

Netter Inhaber
Übersetzt von Google Ich kam morgens um 8 Uhr hier an und es war bereits in 20 Minuten geladen. Der russischsprachige Mitarbeiter hat seine Arbeit professionell und schnell erledigt, und ich fand es sehr gut, dass es keine Wartezeiten gab. Es ist etwas umständlich, wieder hineinzufahren das Lager von der Straße aus, wenn Sie sich auf einem LKW befinden. Original Я приїхав сюди о 8 ранку і за 20хв вже був завантажений.Російськомовний працівник професійно та швидко виконав свою роботу і мені дуже сподобалось, що не потрібно було чекати.Трохи не зручно заїжджати з вулиці задом до складу, якщо на LKW.
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