
Peter and Kathrin Kontakt Informationen

Peter and Kathrin


We're here to encourage and motivate you! We give you practical tips, share our experiences and what has helped us so you can improve your daily routines and create the life you desire to have!


We’re Peter and Kathrin Wendland. We’re married since 15 years now and have to amazing kids: Noah is 6 and Sara is 3. You’ll meet them throughout our page and blog every once a while. :-)

We love and live with an amazing GOD who wants to partner up with each and everyone of us and help us improve our lives - and of course save us and have us with him in his Kingdom one day. This is a huge asset to us, a great help, guidance and relief since we don't have to worry about all things.

We love to spend quality time with our FAMILY, greater families & FRIENDS.

We love to TRAVEL and explore the world, all the different, fascinating places that God created on this beautiful planet.

We love to meet new people and make new friends.

We have been very blessed and fortunate to learn and grow "outside the box" which has been an amazing ride.

And here we want to share what we were able to learn and experience. We want this to be a place of encouragement and motivation, a positive community where you get help in order to improve your life, affecting your finances, relationships, communication, goals and success.
We’re convinced that you can design your life according to your dreams!

So jump on and engage with us. Talk to us and share how we can help you - and if we happen to not have an answer to your situation we want to be your advocate and help you find a solution! :-)

Adresse: Postfach 1121, 71084 Holzgerlingen
Stadt: Holzgerlingen
Postleitzahl: 71084

ähnliche suchanfragen: peter katrin, kathrin und peter 2018
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