
Pliening Kontakt Informationen


Pliening is a community east of Munich in the northwest of the district of Ebersberg in the Regierungsbezirk of Upper Bavaria, Germany. In the local dialect, the name is pronounced Pleaning. It has flourished in recent decades, partly as a commuter base for Munich, located some 20 km to the west. The official population level had reached 5,263 by 2006.Coat of armsThe community’s arms consist of a shield divided into three. Uppermost in the shield are two coloured bars, black on the right and gold on the left. Below this are three crowns on a blue background. The lowest and biggest part of the shield is taken up by a black bear on a silver background.HistorySporadic prehistoric finds in the community point to the area’s having been settled since the New Stone Age.In the Bronze Age a small settlement arose on a strip of grassland between the woods in the community’s south end and the moor in the north. Sheep raising was the settlers’ main livelihood.The later settlement – between 850 BC and AD 50 – is believed to have been established by the Celtic Hallstadt culture, which has been shown by ceramic finds. As this settlement developed, the at first loose structure shifted to a much tighter village structure. After southern Germany was conquered by the Romans about AD 50, the area became part of the Roman Empire. Some finds in the area also point to a Roman presence.

Adresse: 85652 Pliening
Stadt: Pliening
Postleitzahl: 85652

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