
Pliezhausen Kontakt Informationen


Pliezhausen is a town in the district of Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg in Germany.GeographyPliezhausen is located between the Neckar and the Schönbuch.Constituent communitiesThe original municipality Pliezhausen consists of the districts Pliezhausen, Dörnach and Gniebel. After the incorporation of Rübgarten on May 9, 1975, the current municipality Pliezhausen was formed.HistoryPliezhausen was first mentioned in 1092 as' 'Plidolfeshusin'. It first belonged to the County Achalm-Urach and came in the 13th century to Württemberg. 1609 ravaged the plague, 40 percent of the 300 inhabitants died. From 1635 led the Thirty Years' War to further devastation and death. The town originally belonged to Oberamt Urach and came in 1842 to Oberamt Tübingen and in the context of Baden-Württemberg district reform in 1973 to the district Reutlingen.In 1928, the Pliezhausen brooch, a rare 7th-century gold disc was discovered during excavations in Pliezhausen in the grave of a wealthy Alemannic woman.IncorporationsDörnachDörnach was first documented in 1134. Dörnach was incorporated in 1971 to Pliezhausen.GniebelGniebel belonged to the Counts of Zollern. Gniebel was incorporated in 1971 to Pliezhausen.RübgartenThe place itself was first mentioned in 1363. Rübgarten was incorporated in 1975 to Pliezhausen.

Adresse: 72124 Pliezhausen
Stadt: Pliezhausen
Postleitzahl: 72124

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